The Institute for Economics & Telematics in Healthcare

Our History

The IFETH (Institute for economics and telematics on healthcare) was founded in 2004 at University of Applied Sciences Hamburg by Hans-J Haase, public health scientist, in cooperation with University of Birmingham and London Medical College in an EU wide project „PREN 13606“. The primary mission is to assist patients in terms of complexity in decentralized managed care processes and keeping documentations avaiable through all processes of treament and care. IFETH is focused on research and development of patient centric documentation and assisted care by implementing standards like OpenEHR, FHIR. IFETH uses and promotes the development of independent (non-proprietary), interdisciplinary frameworks of a patient centric documentation and process management tools for integrated care. In 2008 the research and development of patient centric medical documentation and public health research has been focussed on economically borderline countries like South America, South Africa, and Asia. Inspired on projects of whom to develop concepts not just for improving care for children but also in oncology for fighting against cancer diseases, see: whocancerbrochure
In 2012 the focus of IFETH evaluations on these projects started on borderline countries in Asia, also the Philippines. Due to political instability of Africa and low activities in South America (beside Venezuelans) of research and development on improving cancer management by open standards and technology IFETH tried to get in contact with institutions in the Philippines. This was when Susan Fajardo Namia, a politician, and Hans got in contact. She offered her assistance to Hans. To begin the operation, the IFETH assigned an office and involved students to assist the evaluation, studies but also starts training of information standards in medicine. Because of the primary mission to assist people in health care by information technology, the IFETH starts an knowledge exchange program between Germany and Philippines to prepare a feasibility study how to implement modern concepts of managed care in cancer treatment. The knowledge of information processes in cancer management and individualizing chemotherapy protocols (schemes) to patients are based on the company Medical Data Investigation Ltd (German: GmbH) that funds the IFETH research institute since 2004.


He is a male nurse, educated at German Army Hospital Koblenz and Hamburg. He has been an officer in a special task force for strategic medical support (Allied Military Forces Europe). He studied human medicine at the Medical University of Hamburg and later Health Sciences. He founded 1989 a company for improving quality of care by patient centric documentation (based on his experiences and studies at the first responder medical services). In 1994 with Silvia, an engineer, and Prof. Ph.D Kleeberg, an international scientist in Oncology, they focus on cancer patients in ambulatory care by starting a first European Oncology Network (EON). He is a volonteer firefighter and since 2017 chief of a fire department. His fire departmend made a funding to Batangas City Fire Station after eruption of volcano Taal in 2020.


contact formular

Tel. +63-232442000
BM Susan Fajardo-Namia
Tel. +63-9924072321

Fort Legend Tower, Lv 10
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig 1632
31st Street & 3rd Avenue